What U.S people says about Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

Joe Biden came to know about very great news regarding his victory. When he travels to Sun Belt, he came to know that in the recent polls that were going on there, he is the one who is leading President Trump.

On the other hand, in a recent video in 4besnews, Mr. Trump tries his level best to show his infections related to corona virus as a show of leadership. In result of it, the debate commission indentifies that from now, it will install proper glass barriers at vice-presidential debate. 

When the issue regarding infections of Mr. Trump is to be asked from Mr. Biden, he says to f9news in return that those who do not take the safety precautions related to COVID are totally responsible for whatever happens to them.

-Reviews on Trump’s Infection

It became very clear in the reports later that it was not only an infection but Mr. Trump is suffering from Corona Virus. Joseph R. Biden suggested and advises Donald Trump to have some greater responsibility and be very much more careful for his positive corona virus test.

No doubt, Mr. Trump has flaunted a lot of restrictions regarding corona virus and he also delivered public health guidelines for months so that everyone should be warned extra ordinarily.

He became very strict and reluctant while giving precautionary measures about corona virus. Mr. Biden openly says that; anybody who is not taking masks and social distancing as an essential matter of present time is responsible for whatever happens to them. He said it at a town hall hosted by NBC when he was asked by someone whether Mr. Trump contributed any responsibility in contracting corona virus or not. 

-Reviews of a Representative Ilhan Omer, a Democratic Congress Woman

After being tested positive, Mr. Trump bluntly says that “Don’t be afraid of Covid”. He continued the statement by adding that “Don’t let it dominate your life”.

His statement quickly spreads in all the political parties. Some Democrats took this in other way by saying that this statement clearly means that Trump wanted to say that all those who died because of this virus were weak.

Many people objected this statement of Mr. Trump. They resisted it in all possible ways. For them, it is a total mean statement for those who are suffering from corona virus who lost their precious lives while fighting from this severe disease.

-Reviews of a Representative Ilhan Omer, a Democratic Congress Woman

A representative named Ilhan Omar, a democratic congress woman from Minnesota clearly says that “Don’t be afraid of Covid” is a repulsive thing to say to those of us who already lost our loved one to covid-19.

She is the one who lost her father due to this pandemic. Later, through twitter, she delivered her statement in response of Trump’s statement. She says:

“This man is unfit to be President; he lacks the compassion and humanity to lead our country”.

This harsh statement clearly shows that this lady is strictly against Mr. Trump.

-Reviews of Carlos Del Rio, an infectious disease expert

An infectious disease expert at Emory University in Atlanta, named Carlos Del Rio gives his personal statement in response to the president’s post. He openly questions Mr. Trump that;

“Are you telling the relatives of 210,000 Americans who have died of Covid-19 not to be afraid? Please tell everyone the truth once and for all, this is serious and wears a mask you didn’t and got infected.”

-Reviews of Carlos Del Rio, an infectious disease expert

This is a very striking statement because it directly questions the President about his words along with his statements which are creating a huge chaos among the public of America. People are directly questioning the Presidency while observing the situation of country.

-Reviews of Julian Castro, a former Secretary of Department

A former Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development, named Julian Castro wrote in his statement:

“More than 200,000 American lives have been lost due to Covid-19. The President himself and countless staff have been infected. Yet, nine months into the pandemic, the president’s advice is ‘don’t be afraid of Covid.’”

-Reviews of Julian Castro, a former Secretary of Department

This statement is very true in its own sense. America faced a huge chaos due to this pandemic and in this situation; this statement of President Trump seems very non-serious and unethical.

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